Кредитная карта Нордеа Банк

Credit and debit cards

See which card in the Nordea card selection suits you best when you are looking for a card for secure payments in Finland and abroad and for online purchases. A credit card provides you with flexibility for your daily finances and enables you to track your card use in real time with the Wallet mobile app. Nordea cards also come with customer benefits from our cooperation partners.

If you lose your card

Safe use of cards

If your card is not working

Card delivery methods

Exchange rates to card transactions

Find the payment card that suits you best

The different cards include individual features and special benefits: see what they are and choose the card that suits your needs. Nordea payment cards enable you to make secure contactless payments without having to touch the payment terminal. You can also make contactless smart payments using one of your wearables, such as your smartphone, smartwatch, smartring, etc.

Card usage is also secure because you can set spending limits to your cash withdrawals and a geographical restriction on both your purchases and withdrawals. If you lose your card, you can close it immediately in Nordea Mobile.

Payment cards refer to both credit and debit cards.

Discover the future of payments

Smart payments

Nordea Mastercard credit cards

Credit cards bring flexibility to your daily finances, as you can pay your purchases now or later. You will get an interest-free payment period of 30 days on average, after which you repay the outstanding credit according to your own plan.

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Nordea Gold luottokortti

Nordea Gold

Nordea Gold Mastercard is a perfect choice for you if you need comprehensive insurance for your travels abroad or Product Safety Insurance for any purchase you make for your home. In addition, you get Mastercard Purchase Protection for your online purchases. The maximum credit limit you may apply for is 10,000 euros.

Nordea Credit luottokortti

Nordea Credit

Nordea Credit Mastercard brings flexibility to your finances. If you have a combination card, you can choose whether to make a payment directly from your bank account or with the credit facility. When making payments with the credit facility, Mastercard Purchase Protection and Product Safety Insurance will protect your purchases. The credit limit you may apply for is 1,500–5,000 euros.

Nordea Premium

Nordea Premium

The lounge benefit included in your Nordea Premium Mastercard adds luxury to your holiday. This credit card designed for our Premium Customers comes with comprehensive insurance for your travels abroad, Product Safety Insurance and Purchase Protection. The credit limit may be as much as 20,000 euros.

TUOHI Mastercard

The unique PriceGuard Insurance included in TUOHI Mastercards guarantees you the most affordable price on the market. You can apply for this card in Nordea Wallet as well.

Finnair Plus Mastercard

Finnair Plus Mastercard suits frequent travellers in particular. With this card, you can accrue Finnair Plus points. You earn two Finnair Plus points for every euro you spend when you pay with your card’s charge and credit facilities.

Stockmann MasterCard

Stockmann MasterCard is a convenient way to make use of Stockmann’s loyal customer programme benefits. The card includes a credit facility.

Nordea Visa debit cards – Nordea Debit and Nordea Electron

The Nordea Visa Debit card functions well as a second card alongside a credit card and when you do not need a credit feature on your card. With the Nordea Visa Debit card, purchases and withdrawals are therefore debited directly from your bank account.

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Nordea Visa cards are secure payment cards, also when used for purchases abroad and online. You will always be up-to-date on how you spend your money, thanks to the Nordea mobile app.

Nordea Visa Electron cards will be phased out by 2024. The Nordea Visa Debit card will replace the Visa Electron card. The card features will be the same in the future. Nordea has begun exchanging Nordea Electron cards for Nordea Visa Debit cards. Customer cards will gradually be switched to the latest Debit cards upon renewal. In the future, Nordea Visa Debit will also be a card for the little ones in the family.

Kuva Nordea Debit -kortista

Nordea Debit

You will no longer need any cash if you have Nordea Visa Debit in your wallet. You can pay your purchases in Finland and abroad securely directly from your bank account – just by showing your card to the payment terminal. However, if you need to withdraw cash, you can use your card to do so at ATMs – also abroad.

Kuva Nordea Electron -kortista

Nordea Electron

The issuance of new Visa Electron cards has ended on13 April 2021, and in January 2022 we will begin exchanging existing Visa Electron cards for Visa Debit cards. Cards will gradually be switched to new Visa Debit cards upon renewal. As a Visa Electron cardholder, you do not need to do anything.

Банковские карты Нордеа Банк

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Кредитная карта Нордеа Банк

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Кредитная карта Нордеа Банк

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Кредитная карта Нордеа Банк

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Карты банка Нордеа Банк

Кредитная карта Нордеа Банк

Экспресс Кредит – это сайт, на котором объединена информация о микрофинансовых компаниях, предоставляющих экспресс-займы по России. У нас вы сможете не только ознакомиться с условиями предоставления займа и информацией о конкретной компании, но и с рейтингами и отзывами о них.

Хотите брать займы дешевле?

Подпишитесь на еженедельную рассылку и будьте в курсе последних спецпредложений.

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Часы работы
Пн — Пт: 10:00 — 19:00

Информация, представленная на нашем сайте, обобщенная и носит ознакомительный характер. Условия кредитования и любые решения, связанные с займами и кредитами, оговариваются и принимаются непосредственно компаниями, предоставляющими деньги в кредит. На нашем сайте не ведется сбор и хранение информации о пользователях, которая появляется в форме заявки на получение займа. Данная информация будет доступна только микрофинансовым организациям, которые занимаются ее последующей обработкой в соответствии с законом РФ «О защите персональных данных».

Экспресс Кредит использует файлы cookie для повышения удобства пользователей и обеспечения должного уровня работоспособности сайта и сервисов. Cookie называются небольшие файлы, содержащие информацию о настройках и предыдущих посещениях веб-сайта. Если вы не хотите использовать файлы cookie, то можете изменить настройки браузера. Условия использования

Источник https://www.nordea.fi/en/personal/our-services/credit-payment-cards/

Источник https://www.moneymatika.ru/bank/kompaniya/nordea-bank/kreditnie-karty/

Источник https://credit-xpress.ru/banki/nordea/cards